While driving to do some Christmas shopping this past weekend, Becky wondered aloud which would be more warm, gloves or mittens. The choice seemed obvious to me, gloves. But the debate that followed has made me question the very foundation of all I thought I knew about hand warmth.
Let's see the tale of the tape.
Finger Holes: 4
Thumb Holes: 1
*More dexterity due to the separation of all four fingers.
*Ability to make hand signals like "thumbs up!", "OK", and "*@&# YOU!!"
*You still think you can grasp things with gloves on...until that soda slips out of your hand and into your lap. Not that it's ever happened to me...I knew a guy, ok?
Style: You can be cool rockin' out in gloves.
Warmth argument: With each finger individually wrapped, it's like a heater for each of your digits.
Finger Holes: 1
Thumbs Holes: 1
*You always have that "Grandma knitted my hand-warmers" look.
*A mittened wave is way cuter than a gloved wave.
*You can't pick up anything without the use of both hands.
*Unlocking doors is difficult.
Style: You may not look sporty, but you will have that "cuddly" quality.
Warmth argument: Fingers can generate body warmth by touching each other.
Finger holes: 4, or 1...no, wait 5
Thumb Holes: 1
*You have the best of both worlds...glove or mitten.
*These gloves are also known as "Glittens" and that's a pretty gay sounding name for a product (not that Convertible gloves is much better).
*Loss of all respect while wearing the "Glittens".
Style: HA HA HA!! You're kidding, right?
Warmth Argument: Since the glove half is fingerless, I would say, see Mitten section.
While some people enjoy the flexibility of the glove, the confinement of the mitten, or the public ridicule of the "Glitten", the question isn't look or functionality, it's warmth.
Does the individual finger warmers of the glove or the body heat furnace of the mitten generate more heat? Being a glove guy myself, I thought gloves. However, a recent study was done by a group of 5th to 8th graders who were sent out to brave the cold to determine which actually kept hands warmer.
Believe it or not, Mittens keep your hands warmer than gloves because mittens "cut down on the surface area that is exposed to the air."
Ed. Note: "Glittens" were not tested in this experiment. Those little bastards!!
So, next time you are going to be standing out in the cold weather, bring a pair of mittens. If you need to actually use your hands for anything except waving, bring some gloves.
I don't need a bunch of smartypants 5th to 8th graders to tell me what I already know - mittens are WAY warmer. Your fingers keep each other much warmer inside mittens. Plus some gloves are too tight and restrict circulation, thereby making fingers even colder.
I'm intrigued by glittens, but never tried them. Maybe I'll get some for xmas...
Great blog you got here. I'd like to read something more about that matter. Thanx for sharing that data.
Joan Stepsen
Cool geeks
Hi admin,
I read your blog, its really awesome,
Gloves have existed as an item of clothing throughout the centuries, much as shoes have provided a protection for the feet. Beyond the many practical purposes however, are other reasons that have determined the use of gloves in human habit.
see more details: peccary gloves
your regards
Shopno Kumari
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