After I log out of the system, the computer re-directs me to my company's home page so I can read up on all the good things us employees are doing that "The Man" is taking credit for. Well, the last time I was re-directed, the homepage featured a guitar that had a "Play Guitar" strip across it.
Intrigued at to what the guitar would play, I ran my mouse over the strings and heard the following:
Electric Guitar begins roaring
High-Pitched squeaky voice begins to sing:
"Kick Ass...Get Retarded, uh, uh, come on, Get Retarded..."
Music fades
I was shocked!! This on a major company's web site? I listened again, because maybe, just maybe they weren't saying what I thought. A little banner in the corner said "Get Rockin'" But I'm positive the guitar didn't say Get Rockin'.
The second time I heard Kick It...but still Get Retarded. I couldn't hear anything else.
I asked my co-worker what she thought. She listened a few times, and said it sounded like Get Retarded, but maybe it was Get Me Started. Whatever!!
I listened a few more times, then called the only person who could help me figure out the problem:
Fergie, of the Black Eyed Peas.
Fergie: "Yo, who dis?"
Me: "Hey Fergie, sup girl?"
Fergie: "Hey, Playa, where you been, kid?"
Me: "You knows, I'm busy...gots stuff to do..."
Fergie: "True."
Me: "Yo, listen to this and tell me what you hear."
Fergie: "Bring it, Playa."
I proceeded to play the guitar with the questionable lyrics.
Fergie: "Whose dat liftin' our lyrics without permission?"
(Note: For those of you not in the know, the Black Eyed Peas sing a song called "Let's Get Retarded" which the radio station forced them to Politically Correct to "Let's Get it Started.")
Me: "I KNOW!"
Fergie: "Yo, playa, I gotta bounce..."
After she hung up, I realized I forgot to ask her if the guitar lady was "liftin" "Let's Get Retarded" or "Let's Get is Started."
Oh, well. Fergie's pissed (and not in her pants this time).
(Side note: Fergie claims she in the picture, the offending spot is sweat. Right...)
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