Wednesday, January 10, 2007

The Streak

Being that it is a new year, a time of resolutions that eventually get broken, I thought I would tell you a tale of a magnificent streak that spanned many months beginning back in August.

Ok, this has nothing to do with New Year's Resolutions, but if it inspires some people to make a streak of their own (possibly as a New Year's Resolution?!?), so be it.

You see, I am a not a morning person. I hate mornings, in fact. This was evident in the fact that I was perpetually late for work. I'm not talking an hour late, or even 20 minutes, but 5 minutes here, three minutes get the idea.

Well, in August, (or was it July? I don't remember...not important) I decided to make a change. I decided to make it to work on time, every day! I know what you're thinking..."Big deal!!" Well, mister, it is a big deal for me...after all, if you had no boss on site, no morning responsibilities, and a love of sleeping in, it would be a big deal!!

Without further ado, here is my journey...

Day one was surprisingly easy. I had decided to make a change, and by george I was going to do it!! I was a whole 5 minutes early, and the healing process had begun!!

By day 10, I was still easily making the time. This was, however, the first time I asked my co-worker to throw me a party for my excellence in getting to work on time.

This was also the first time she said "Hell, no!!"

Note the volleyball graphic...creative, I know!! Since I have always been # 13 on all the volleyball teams I've ever played on, I think it's appropriate!

Since I loathe this number, I decided NOT to draw any tribute to it. This was also the first day that I RAN from my car to make it into the building on time. WHEW...2 minutes to spare!!

Day this time, I was in the zone! I even managed to draw a little guitar playing 50 and still make it to work on time...

This was the second time I requested a party from my co-worker...nothing special, just some cake, or a cookie...maybe a few hundred of my closest friends.

Co-Worker: "HELL, NO!! Why would I give you a party for something you should be doing anyway?"

I guess she had a point...maybe at 100, I offered.

Everything zen at day 69...

Ah, it finally arrived, day 100. I fully expected to walk in on day 100 to a showering of confetti, and signs declaring me the Greatest!! (Especially since I hinted at such for a few days prior!!)

It was not to be. I was greeted instead by an icy stare, and a "whoop-de-doo!!"

That was just wrong.

For those of you who aren't good at puzzles, this is for day 107.

Then, disaster...

You see, the night of my 107th consecutive streak day (wow, that was confusing) my alarm clock was reset...upon setting the time back, I must have set it a few minutes off from what I had it set at before. The next day, I woke up and thought nothing of the time, as it was the same time I had normally awoke (or so I thought.)

I didn't even run into work, I thought I had it...

But a quick look at the clock told a different story...8:02.

I was 2 minutes late. The streak was over.

I felt ashamed, but relieved. All that pressure to make it on time was taking it's toll on me. Mentally, I was a wreck. But, in the end, I am proud of my 107 days on time to work...I still wanted that party, though!!


Anonymous said...

Let me just ask one question. Are you one of those people who get miffed if a place of business is not "open for business" at it's published opening time? Just curious.

Anonymous said...

Great job, T! Sue

Gillespie said...

anonymous: Actually, I am one of those people, but I didn't think this was the same thing, because I don't work at a "retail-type" other words, I don't have customers. However, Becky informed me it was the same thing. Since she is way smarter than I, I apologize.

Sue: Thanks for the appriciation and the e-card...but, according to anonymous (and Becky, and my co-worker), I really don't deserve the kudos!!


Anonymous said...

T, I agree you should be at work on time because that is what is expected of you, but I feel everyone has their faults. You were truly trying to make a change, and I feel you should be recognized for that. Everyone needs a pat on the back sometimes. Maybe a party at work is pushing it, but you could have brought donuts to celebrate! Sue