Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Two Double-O Eight

Two double-o eight. And thus, a new year begins. It's January 9th, and I feel ahead of the game as I usually don't get my first new year blog in until closer to the end of the month...let's review:

January 2005: First blog, 28th
January 2006: First blog, 31st
January 2007: First blog, 24th

I rest my case.

Ok, I'll be the first to admit this blog doesn't quite have the substance that those past, late blogs did, but just take what you get, alright? Sorry, I didn't mean to yell at you, you know I love you, dear readers, and I appriciate your support. (Special shout out to Sue, my number one blog fan!!)

I really don't have much to say, as it is early in the am (for me anyway) and I just felt the need to reach out and speak a few words. I promise more meat on the next blog's bones.

Happy 2008!!

(PS...Why doesn't regular X Box have Guitar Hero?? That just pisses me right off. X Box 360 has it, Playstation 2 (or is it 3??) has it, Wii has it, but NOOOOOO X Box doesn't. That just burns my biscuits!)

Ok, that's it.


Anonymous said...

Happy New Year! You really made me laugh with your comments about Xbox not having Guitar Hero. I don't understand why they don't have it either! Sue

Anonymous said...

What in the hell is guitar hero? I heard about on the radio this morning. I am stuck in Toddler land and don't get out much.


Gillespie said...

Sue: I'm still a little upset by it. Soon, I should have some pictures of me jamming on it!!

Jean: I emailed you the scoop...I remember when I first played Xbox at Hank and Sue's, and we played Tiger Woods golf. The next day, Becky and I bought an Xbox. When I played Guitar Hero, I was convinced I would go out and buy a 360...if they weren't so dang expensive!!

Anonymous said...

you need to quit being so tight and spend that money on the 360, that wat you can bring it down here to play....Hank

Anonymous said...

so i can't spell should've been WAY instead wat....hank