Friday, May 08, 2009

More Odd Mail

Back on March 17th, I asked you good readers what my mail was trying to tell me. You see, I received a coupon and flyer encouraging me to get some Depends adult diapers. Well, the mail has gotten worse! Here is my recent mail...

First, I get this wonderful invitation to be one of 17 people to test out the newest hearing aids! What? Oh, sorry, I thought you said something...guess my hearing is just bad.

Then, I get this...

Yes, folks, this is a Senior Update card telling me if I fill it out and join, I can get 100% of my funeral paid! FUNERAL?!? I hope this is premature, but dang with the Depends, the Hearing Aid and now the funeral talk, I wonder if this is all a sign...or maybe I just got on some old people mailing list!

Well, Matlock is coming on, I gotta go!


Anonymous said...

You get some interestng mail! I must say I don't find those kinds of things in my mail when I get home. :) Kristy

Anonymous said...

Maybe the person who used to live in your house was elderly. Does the mail actually say to Tony Gillespie or current resident? Just trying to make you feel better! Sue