Tuesday, November 08, 2005

On the Shelf

I'm a terrible at judging the amount of time a project will take (seems like I've said that before). Ah, I can paint that room in 30 minutes. Two hours later, still painting. I really thought this time I would get it right, but alas, I was incorrect again.

The plan was simple. Take a week off work, build 6 rectangular shelves, sort through my records, and voila!! Basement is finished. I planned a day to build the shelves, a day to stain them, and 3 for records.

I was way off.

The shelves took a day to cut, a day to build, and almost a day to stain and clear coat. TWO AND A HALF DAYS!! I was very pleased with the results, however. I really took my time to pre-sink all the holes, putty over the screws, sand, stain, clear coat...

The records themselves went fairly quickly, and I was able to almost get the basement cleaned up in the week. Of course, the addition of The Beast didn't help matters, but now I believe all is well in the basement.

Here is a photo of the LP Record Collection as it stands currently...now, on to those 17,000 45's!!!

I made the top 2 shelves on each side of the stereo. You can't see them
very well, but they came out pretty good, I think!!


Anonymous said...

Reading your blog, I am thinking your basement is like Extreme Basement Makeover. You got in done in less than 7 days!! Way to go T! It looks good!


Gillespie said...

The only difference is I didn't have a bazillion dollar budget, free access to ransack Sears, or Ty to help me!!

Anonymous said...

I am so impressed with all of your work. It looks great!!! Good job!

Gillespie said...

Thanks, Kristy and Sue. I feel good about the work, and what I have done for the community. It's great when you can help great people like me...oh wait!!


Anonymous said...

Hey, if you ever do get Ty to help you, please let me know!
