Thursday, November 10, 2005

The Big Time, Baby!!

I am super, duper excited. Cherry on top excited (oh, yeah, that's the big time, baby!!) I just found out that I have been included in the Blog Pound...that is, Miss Jenny Amadeo, one of the funniest bloggers in all the land, has included a link to my blog on her website, Run Jen Run!!

For those of you not in the know, Run Jen Run is located at, and is very funny. Bust-a-gut funny. I highly recommend reading it.

Thanks, Jen, for linking me to your site, it is truly an honor to be included with such greatness!! If I were smart enough to know how to add a link, I so would have you on my site. But, alas, I am not that cunning.

To all my blog reading friend (s)...please take a moment to check out Run Jen Run, you won't be sorry!!


Anonymous said...

Ha - thanks! But trust me - I'm about as far from the "big time" as you can get! And don't feel bad about the links - it took me ages to figure out how to change font size! I still can't get my comments to work right. Ugh - technology.

Gillespie said...

It's ok, Jenny, you don't have to be modest here, we're all friends!! You know you're the lead dog!!

Technology, yeah...that's why I still play with records. IPOD? PDA? Yeah, I don't think so!!