Wednesday, January 26, 2005


About 4 years back, I worked for a company called IKON. I'll give you a minute to scratch your heads, and try to figure out what IKON stands for and what kind of company they actually are.

Give up? Yeah, I thought so. IKON is an office solutions company, and a competitor of Xerox, a name we all know. What does IKON stand for...I Know One Name. Goofy, isn't it?

Anyway, while working for this company, I did a brief stint in the document center at Johnson Memorial Hospital. JMH wasn't a bad gig, really. A few copy jobs here and there, run around the hospital delivering mail. The best part, however, was the cafeteria, located right outside the door of the document center.

Ok, make your hospital food jokes now...feel better? Let's move on.

The food was actually pretty good, and it was right next door, so it was a doubly good thing. As my stint at the hospital grew longer, I began to experiment more with the exploration of the hospital. That's when the cafeteria gravy train stopped rolling.

Around the corner from the cafeteria was...the MORGUE!! Probably less than 50 feet away. My co-worker, knowing I didn't know my way around the building very well, and my disdain for the morgue, took me by it every chance she got, too.

I couldn't shake the image of the morgue being so close to my scrambled eggs...damn, now I won't be able to eat scrambled eggs, either.

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