Thursday, January 20, 2005

Worst Gift Ever

Now that the holidays are over, I feel a bit of relief. No, I'm not finding comfort in the holidays being over, I'm finding it in the revelation that I did not receive any extremely crappy gifts this year. Ok, some may think the socks and underwear my mom buys me every year is a bad gift, but I, for one, think its a fabulous gift. Have you priced that stuff lately?

As far as bad gifts go, I received my WORST gift back in 1984.

When you're six years old, Christmas has a magical feeling. Santa Claus, presents, cookies and milk, you get the idea. My family would always open our gifts at home on Christmas Eve, and go to my grandma's on Christmas day.

I don't remember what great gifts my mom and dad bought me (ironic isn't it? Forget the good gifts, remember the bad.) but I do recall what was waiting for me when we went to my grandma's house. My brother, my cousin, Scott, and I all received...


Granted, Jackson was huge that year with the release of Thriller, but come on. I actually liked Michael Jackson, but still remember feeling like this was a crappy gift.

I never wore it.

Can you even imagine giving that gift to a six year old now? YIKES!!

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