Tuesday, May 02, 2006

I Pity the Fool

My cousin, Scott, works at a college. I'm not at liberty to say which one, not because I shouldn't, just because I don't think it's important. Anyway, he does some financial aid stuff there, and he decided one day to make a little inspirational poster for the college.

(For those of you not in the know,
this handsome fella is Mr. T, who was
on a show called "The A Team"
in the '80's . I removed the school's
name from the form he's holding, to
protect the innocent...or in this case,

Well, a co-worker was looking one day for a good marketing scheme to help get the students motivated to accel, so Scott offered up the Mr. T poster. Underneath Mr. T was a blurb that read:

Be a part of the "A" Team!! Join ... (information about the college).

The picture was hilarious in itself, but I pointed out the irony of a school having a poster up that obviously had improper grammar in it. Scott's answer to that made me laugh so hard, I about chocked...

Me: "Don't you think it's bad for the poster to say "I pity the fool, who DON'T stay in school?"

Scott: "Mr T claims poetic license, fool !!"

Man, that's funny...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am laughing with you, T! Sorry Scott! Sue