Tuesday, February 24, 2009

An Alien Invasion!

The clock had just rolled over to 3:30 am. The morning found me outstretched on the couch with Hendrix carefully perched on my chest. The street light from across the road peeked through the window. The normally busy road was calm.

Suddenly, the white light shifted to an intense red, accented by a pulsing yellow. The white street light was engulfed in darkness as an image moved into view. The blinds obscured my view, but I was sure the large object with the glowing red and yellow light could only be one thing.


Panic began to set in as I pulled my arm around Hendrix, as if I could protect him from the impending alien invasion. Why did they choose Indiana? Why Columbus? Why my house?!?

My mind began to race with thoughts of what was in store for me. Maybe they would abduct me? Blow me up? Mind probe? ANAL PROBE?!? Fear...the thought of pain...the thought of the unknown...

Then, the light began to swirl again, and within seconds, it was gone. I was spared!! The UFO had passed me by.

Wait a minute, I think it was just the Garbage truck picking up my trash. Yeah, that was it, never mind.


Anonymous said...

You really need to get more sleep! Sue

Gillespie said...

Sleep, with a 9 month old? Have you forgotten what that age is like already??