Wednesday, September 02, 2009


Whilst going over the yard sale items with Becky's co-worker, Hendrix decided he wanted to walk down her slightly sloped, paved driveway. Well, it started as a walk...then a jog, a run, and a wipeout!

I tried to get some photos of the damage, but most of them are are quick, ya know!

(click on photos to enlarge)

(See the poor guy's head!! NOTE: sorry about the incorrect date on the first few photos...)

(Waving to the camera.)

(Clapping...we were listening to a song on the MP3 player that was "live" and the audience began clapping, which makes Hendrix clap!)

(Reaching for the camera.)

(I don't know what he's doing here...I guess he wanted me to stop!)

(A decent still shot.)

(Once again, trying to stop me!)

This isn't his first fall, he did this to his lip back in July...

(See his busted lip? He fell on a register crawling to his room for a diaper change...poor guy!)

(Doesn't seem to affect his monster face, though!! Scary!!)

(Still a cutie, even with a busted lip!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my sweet Hendrix! Ouch! I bet you will get a lot of stares.
