Friday, June 10, 2005

Movin' On Up

Seems like only yesterday I was in front of all my friends at my birthday party last year, singing, strumming, and having a great old time donning the wig for "Hey Ya!"

Yesterday, the wig came back out.

We just moved into a new building at work (our third in 5, I get bounced around like a red-headed step-child!) and the old tenants decided to throw a block party to welcome us newbies aboard.

Catered lunch, door prizes, and getting to know you presentations.

"Be Creative!!" the signs screamed. "Top prize wins a great reward!!" Oh, yeah.

So, I cooked up a little song and dance and waited my turn. First up was a very informative game show themed presentation. Not bad.

One by one, groups got up, said their peace, and returned to their seats. Nice, informative, but very vanilla. Then it was my turn...lucky #7.

I started with some general introductions, a joke about my twin brother, Brad Pitt (quit laughing!!) then I whipped the crowd into a frenzy with some clapping, pulled out the wig, and sang a little ditty to the theme of the Jefferson's theme song...

"Well, we're movin' on up..."

The crowd roared. Before I hit the high end note, I paused, shamelessly plugged by company one more time (for those of you not in the know, I am contracted to work for these people by an outside company), threw out some frisbees with the company logo on them, and then hit the high note...

"PI.....EYE....EYE...Yeah, yeah!!"

The crowd loved it, even the guy I hit with a frisbee...who actually turned out to be the CIO...whoops!! A few other groups tried to follow, but the crowd was a buzz with what they had just seen.

The vote went overwhelmingly my way, and I won a $200 gift card to the company store. How ironic that the contracted worker gets a gift card to a company store for whom he doesn't work. I looked through the store, and they have lots of great stuff! I am very much looking forward to my shopping spree.

Everyone was very nice, and congratulated me, and told me how energetic and fun the presentation was, which I appreciated. Later, however, when I won a door prize, I got booed..."there's a $200 limit, Tony!!"...

...guess I should have spread the wealth!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I had forgotten about this story. It sounds pretty cool though. How did you spend you certificate?
