Wednesday, January 04, 2006

New Year's Resolutions

Well, kids, we did it. We survived the holidays. We survived the turkey, we survived the visitation of 50 places, we survived the Christmas decorations and the continuous loop of Christmas songs which was layed upon us starting in October.

The point is, it is 2006...the holidays are over!!

Did you have a good holiday, fine reader? I certainly hope so. I had a very nice Christmas, and a fine, fine New Year's. (I would like to take a moment to warn you about the film Wolf Creek...if you haven't sat through this movie yet, SAVE YOUR MONEY!! We went and watched it Christmas day and it was bad...really, really bad!!)

Anyhoo, sorry for the aside. Like any rational American, New Year's is a time for resolutions. So, this year, I think I was able to come up with a few that I'm sure I can stick with. So, without further ado, here are my New Year's resolutions for the year Two double-0 Six.

#1: Work Less. I think work dominates so many of our lives that we forget sometimes about the things that are most important. Family, friends, health, etc. Of course, work doesn't even come close to dominating my life, so working even less is going to be really hard. But that's why they call it a resolution!! They are suppose to be hard!!

#2: More Me Time. Kickin' back on a Sunday and watching the Colts win the Super Bowl...cataloging some records...taking a cat nap with my cat. These are a few of my favorite things, and thusly, I pledge to make more time for them in 2006.

#3: Blog More. Gotta keep my two readers satisfied with more of what they How can I argue with that? Like I've always heard, the customer is always right!! (Yes, you are the customer in this situation...and if you want more, than who am I to stop that? Really, who the heck am I?)

So, that's it. I didn't want to make too many because a man can only do so much. I'm not a robot here, people!! Hopefully, I can stick with my goals, and make this the best year ever!!


Anonymous said...

Very nice, T! Thanks for making me smile! Happy New Year!


Gillespie said...

Sue: Happy New Year to you, too...keep smilin!!

Phoenix: I've got ahold of my knickers, tightly, and I'm ready for a whole lot of no suck!!

Jason and Emily said...

you might get more than two readers if you decide to keep blogging more. Thanks for visiting my site!

Anonymous said...

You do pretty well with your blogging, but I like the resolution about blogging more. I do enjoy reading your blog. It is the highlight of the day and always puts a smile on my face. Good luck on the resolutions! They sound attainable. :)