Monday, January 05, 2009


Hello there, friends...

It's 2009 and I hope you all had a great Christmas and New Year's. With the new year, there always come promises of weight loss, less spending, more connecting with friends, and (usually in my case) more blogs. Having looked at the past several years, I noticed my posts have gone down, but I like to think the content has improved.

Ok, that content business is crap, and I know it.

But, I want you all to know my intentions are good, and the blog will be higher on my mind this year. Special thanks to all the returning readers...I know you are out there, even if you don't always comment on blogs (Hank and Sue, of course, withstanding.)

A few notes on this, my first blog of 2009:

1. This is my 300th blog!! Wow, 300...pretty impressive, don't cha think?
2. I've had over 3,000 clicks on the site...I'm thrilled over that! 600 last week alone!
3. Of my last 500 visits, 47% came from the United States...seems I'm big in Germany (9%...44 of 500) so, in your face Hasselhoff! (just kinding...I would never dream of hassling the Hoff!)
4. I've had viewers from Cyprus, Sudan, several from Poland, Italy, UK, etc, etc...I love it.

On that note, I must say thanks, and shoot me a comment friends! Would love to hear from you.

Let's make 2009 a great year...


Thumb Update
Pictures of Hendrix (just for you Aunt Mary Ann...I love you guys, and miss you much!)
Mucho more! (for my spanish speaking friends!!)

'09...oh yeah!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is so awesome that you have had 300 blogs! It is also very interesting to see where people live that read them. Keep up the good work in 2009! Sue