Friday, January 13, 2012

A Clean Conversation

A conversation with my 3 1/2 year old, Hendrix.

Location: In the basement putting stickers on records to be sold.

Me: "Hey, buddy, do you want to go into business with me? We can rename the business 'Gillespie and Son Records'."

Hendrix: "YES! What do we do?"

Me: "We put these records in sleeves, then put stickers on them and sell them and make lots of money."

Hendrix begins to put stickers on the sleeves where I tell him.

Me: "Buddy, what are you going to buy with all the money you make??"

Hendrix: "I buy soap! And juice."

Soap and juice...I sure do wish I knew what was going on in that little brain of his!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds good to me, Hendrix!