A plane from London to Washington was radioed and told to make an emergency stop in Maine because one of it's passenger's name showed up on the US's list of "suspected terrorists."
Who was this suspected terrorist? Usama (or Osama depending on the Web Site) Bin Laden? Ayman Al-Zawahiri? The Unibomber?
No...it was CAT STEVENS!!!
Are you kidding me? Cat Stevens, writer of many top US hits...namely "Peace Train," a terrorist? Can't be true.
Actually, according to Cat himself, it isn't true. Cat Stevens converted to Islam in 1977, and changed his name to Yusuf Islam at that time. More tragically than having the name Yusuf, was the fact that he, at that point, stopped making music. A true tragedy for the world.
Apparently, funds from a fundraiser Cat did to support "humanitarian causes" were purported to have gone to aid terroristic activities.
This is setting us up for something bad, kids. A just reason wasn't given, really, as to why you would keep this man out of the country. Because he's Muslim? Because his last name is Islam? Oh, man... Why would we want our youth to think we are lumping all Muslims together? Bin Laden, Cat Stevens...they are all Muslim, and therefore share the same beliefs. NO NO NO!!
Damn it, we as Americans need to stop this bull shit racist propaganda here, and find the real terrorists and stop them. We can't just deny access to people because of their religion, the same way we can't stop a motorist because of the color of their skin, or deny someone the right to enjoy the freedoms that makes us a democracy.
I want the US to be safe. But Cat Stevens? Come on...
I am glad they put him on a "police plane" (take on Peace Train) out of our country. Just because the entertainer formerly known as Cat Stevens "says" he didn't support terrorist groups don't make it true! They didn't target him because of his religion, they targeted him because he embraced and financially supported a known terrorist group - can you say Hamas? No one thought that Islamic barber in Manassas Virginia was a terriorist either, if they had he might not have flown that plane into the Pentagon. Hey yeah, let's loosen up those laws and get some more Arabs into the US flights schools! I for one believe it is about time we started protecting our borders more effectively and then just maybe we can prevent another horrific event such as Sept 11th. That is unless you think a big "group hug" will do the trick.
Let's go ahead and deport all Muslims, how does that sound to you? Hey, what the hell, while we're at it, let's go ahead and slaughter them all Holocaust style so that we never have to worry about them again...then, we can all wear little swastikas on our sleeve and Mr Bush, Mr Kerry, or whoever is President at the time can grow a little Hitler stash and we can finally be the perfect race!! I can't believe you have the audacity to condemn an entire race of people because of the Radical thinking of a few. Ever wonder where your charitable contributions go? Maybe you fund the terrorists, too, and we should deport you?
Probably not...but, if he is a terrorsist, answer these two questions.
1. Why would he donate half of all royalties from his recent box set to Sept 11 Charities?
2. Why was he allowed in the country in May to promote a DVD set, and not deported then? Was he less of a threat then?
The Hamas thing is only speculation from the Israeli government, and not fact. Maybe he did give them the money, maybe he didn't. The fact is WE let him in the country NUMEROUS times since that alleged 1993...yes, 1993!! supposed contribution to Abdel-Rahman.
If American didn't feel safe with Cat Stevens, then they wouldn't HAVE let him in the country in May of 2004, and they certainly wouldn't be TAKING HIS MONEY...(remember again, he is donating HALF of all proceedes from his Box Set to Sept 11th Funds.)
Open your eyes to the bigger picture. In order to be free, we cannot close our boarders to everyone who we think may hurt us. Americans are killed daily by Americans...and now, innocent people are being looked at differently because of the actions of a few. That is the injustice here.
"Injustice anywhere, is a threat to justice everywhere."
Martin Luther King Jr.
Oh how sad. I thought I was going to have an intelligent debate here but tsk tsk you get so defensive when someone disagrees with your view point. Then you resort to juvenile comments such as suggesting I might be supporting terrorist.
I did not say Cat Steven is a terrorist or that I know he belongs to any known terrorist group... I said he supported a terrorist group. I do not post comments based merely on heresay. Do you have access to the intelligence reports upon which the security agencies based their decision to deny ol' Cat entry into the U.S? If not, then you are basing your comments only on what you read or hear in the news... Dan Rather perhaps? Now that's a solid source! No my friend it is not speculation.
1993!! 1993!!! Do you know for sure what Islam Yusuf has been up to since 1993? I bet I know someone that does. Perhaps in May 2004 we did not yet have sufficient intelligence to keep him out of the US. Now we do. You say Islam Yusuf himslef denied his connection with terrorism... well duhhh, like I am sure..... "Mr. Cat Stevens, are you a terrorist? "Why yes I am, thank you for asking"!!
"TAKING HIS MONEY"! To that I say HIS MONEY? Who the heck do you think is buying his crappy DVDs? Maybe he is donating half of the profits because he FEELS GUILTY! Ever think of that?
Now let's address again your juvenile comment "maybe you fund the terrorist, too, maybe we should deport you"? That brought a resounding chuckle from this household! Yes I do in fact know exactly where my charitable contributions go.
I see the results every day. How about you?
Who me? Condemn an entire race? Islam is not a race, it is a religion. The Arab comment I made, now that is about a race, yes - but lets see now...hmmmm... what RACE were ALL of the terrorist involved in the Sept 11th attacks? Do you know that nearly 98% of all known terrorist are of Arabic decent? Still I do not condemn the entire race, I just think we should keep all of the Arabs with known terrorist connections OUT OF OUR COUNTRY. AND the Cat Stevens'too! If we cannot know for sure then we need to err on the side of caution! Your Hitler analogy does NOT work in this debate but rather was a big over reaction to a comment about known murderers. YES MURDERERS!
Let me ask you, did you lose a loved one in the World Trade Center towers, The Pentagon, or in PA? I did. I lost three. So, Don't tell me about audacity!
Or about injustice for that matter. Injustice? Would that be like lopping off the heads of American contractors in Iraq? Or hanging the burned remains of an American soldier from an Iraqi bridge?
Thank God we have young people in this country who do not believe as you do. Those are the brave young men and women who are fighting and dying for YOUR freedom to believe the way you do.
P.S. We are having a Cat Steven's CD buring at my house.... wanna come?
Wow...I feel honored now to have a celebrity posting on my website!! Look everybody, it's Rush Limbaugh!!! Thanks, Rush, for the comments.
First, I would like to reject your invitation to the CD burning. I still like Cat's music.
I just re-read your post, and I am feeling a bit dizzy with all this talking in a circle. I am not a political guy, and I refuse to turn this into a political warground for which lunacy from both the Right Wing and the Liberals can be bred. I will comment on your post, and you can respond...but this will be the last I have to say on the subject.
Nearly everything I said was tounge in cheek on my last post. I don't think you are a terrorist. I don't think Bush = Hitler, etc. BUT, there are some things that are being looped around, that I would like to address.
1. If you have access to the Intelligence Reports, then you shouldn't be on here posting. That is a matter of National Security, and it would be a disjustice to all Americans if you put us in jeopardy by revealing that information...If you don't have that access, then what you say about Cat supporting terrorist is also heresay, and you, too, are basing your comments on what you read in the paper, or hear on the news. (let's not bring Dan Rather into this, that's another embarrasment all together).
2. If it took the US 11 years to put Cat Stevens on the list, then there are probably 10, 20, or 30 times that many "terrorists" already in the US. And how many more that we won't know about for another 11 years? That's scary.
3. I said he is donating his money from the sale of his Box Set to Sept 11th charities, to which you said: "HIS MONEY?" Ok, it's the American people's money...and if some of that is going to Hamas, or bin Laden or terrorists...then we, my friend, are supporting terrorists.
4. This one is the best. "98% of all terrorists are of Arabic decent." Ok, I'll take your word on that (those figures come from the news? Oh, I forgot, you have access to the Government files.) "Still, I do not condemn the entire race, I just think we should keep all of the Arabs with know terrorist connections OUT OF OUR COUNTRY."
Cat Stevens' mother was Sweedish, his father, Greek. Let me grab my geneological calculator here...that adds up to ZERO ARABIC DECENT!! He grew up in London, he lives in London now. That's why I say you are condemning MUSLIMS, the religion...because Cat isn't ARABIC the race, he's Muslim, the religion.
5. The Hitler analogy does work because it points to hate. It points to murder. I had a grandfather who fought in WW 2, a war that we entered after the Japanese MURDERED (I had to put it in big letters like you did) our troops at Pearl Harbor. Should we hate the Japanese? Of course not. That was American deaths on American soil, just like Sept 11th.
My wife lost an Uncle in Vietnam...should we deny access to Vietnamese because we lost a lot of soliders over there?
I have family that worked in DC, and they could have very easily have been in the Pentagon when it was attacked. They knew a lot of people who were there and died. I have friends in New York that could have been affected. I understand the tragedy...and I, as an American, feel a great sense of loss. I can never understand what it was like to loose someone...for that I am sorry, truly, for your loss. It is no joke, and I hope as you read this, you know I am being sincere in my condolences.
All I am arguing, debating, discussing is that Cat Stevens has been in and out of our country on more occasions than we even know. HE, regardless of if he supports terrorists or not, should not be considered a threat. Not when he was here in May, not when he was here a couple of days ago.
I'm asking for us all to look in our own backyards, before we go knocking on our neighbor's door. We have Americans who are homeless, who are jobless, all here in the US.
We have Americans who abuse their children, abuse their wives, kill other Americans.
There are Americans in Iraq, and we call that freedom. Arabs in America? MURDERERS. Put yourself in their shoes.
That is injustice. We cannot let ourselves as a peace loving, freedom loving, democracy, cave to these beliefs that because 98% of terrorists are Arabic, then 98% of Arabic people are terrorists. The Arabic people are not the problem. The terrorists are. Look closely at what I said...if 98% of terrorists are Arabic, then 98% of Arabic people are terrorists. That is a false statement.
If we choose to teach our children to fear Arabic people, then we are breeding hate, like Hitler breeded hate for the Jewish people. We can't expect America to flourish with this hate breeding.
Before you know it, we will be after the British because they took in Cat Stevens, and that could be consituted as haboring a known terrorist supporter. Where does it all end? With the world at war.
Who was in office when the Towers were attacked in 1993? George H W Bush. Who was in office when the Towers were attacked in 2001? George W Bush. And in between? The Clinton Years...no American terrorist attacks. Why? I'm certainly not going to speculate. You can draw your own conclusions on that one.
But what I do want to speculate on is this: Sadam was a bad man, we know that. He tried to have Bush Sr killed, we know that. We went to war in Iraq on Bush Sr's watch, we know that. Hamas bombed the Towers in 1993, we know that.
Hamas isn't an Iraqi based group.
Sadam is still a bad man, we know that. We captured him, we know that. We went to war in Iraq on W's watch, we know that. bin Laden flew planes into the Towers in 2001, we know that.
Al Qaeda isn't an Iraqi based group.
The injustice of American contractors being beheaded and American GI's being hanged comes from the fruit of a poisoned tree. And that poisoned tree was planted by us. Don't take what I am saying as I do not agree that we should be in Iraq, because I support Bush's efforts, I really do. I think it is imperative that we stay and finish the job. However, we would have no burned, hanged soliders...we would have no beheaded contractors, if those brave souls didn't volunteer to go and fight and help rebuild the country that was torn down by Hussein, and Bush felt the need for us to defend and rebuild.
Volunteer. This is no Vietnam...we aren't forcing them. I'm not trying to sound cruel. I'm trying to illustrate a point. They volunteered, knowing the consequences. Yes, that does make them brave. But the thinking is that they died for freedom from the Arabs...not freedom from terrorists. This is my point. Don't raise children to think Arabic people, Muslim people, Iraqi people are bad. Raise them to KNOW that hate is bad.
I don't wish to take a political stance. Did Bush do right? Did Bush do wrong? We are safe, you and I, that comes from Bush...that comes from FDR from WW2, that comes from Nixon in Vietnam (well, maybe not Nixon). That comes from America's acceptance that our land is safe. Our backyard. Terrorist attacks since America has been America? Two. 1993, 2001. (three if you consider Pearl Harbor)
That's not too shabby.
Wars on American soil? Zero. (No, I am not counting Revolutionary War or Civil War) We kept America safe for over 200 years without threat. What happened on September 11th? Why are we in Iraq when bin Laden in in Afghanastan? Why are our troops dying in Iraq when the terrorists aren't based in Iraq? That's the point I am trying to make, one that you are trying to circle around by trying to call me out.
Thank God our troops are fighting for both of our beliefs. We do have the right to believe different things. You believe "an eye for an eye." I believe "an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind." Defending your country is one thing, defending someone elses is another. If we are there to protect us in the future, great. That's probably why we are there, I agree with you. If we are fueling the fire, that's not great. If it's our fuel that is causing contractors and soldiers to die, then that is not good. What would happen if we weren't there? Never went there?
Don't know. That wasn't originally what this post was all about. How it got there isn't for me as a humble Hoosier to declare. I have said too much. I have talked about things that have no clear cut right or wrong. I am trying not to take a side here, cause that's not my intent. My whole hope is that all religions, and all races should be looked upon as equals when in our great country. We have never turned our backs to anyone, and for us to do so now is disheartening. And if our childrens future consists of turning people away because "98% of Arabs are terrorists" then the future looks bleak. War is the only answer, and God, or Allah, or Buddah, or Jehova or whichever God you believe in, help us all.
First of all let me comment that if you are going to have a blog and post political issues as you have then you are opening yourself up for replys like mine. If you don't like it then don't answer or don't post anything controversial. This is the "world" wide web.
Now, you are still missing what I am saying! Please, take another look! I did not say all Arabs or 98% of Arabs.... I said all Arabs with known terrorist connections. I was singling them out of the "entire race". Good grief, our entire country was built on immigration. I firmly believe that anyone from any nationality that wants to come to America looking for a better life and can assimilate to our culture, and become a productive member of our society is more than welcome. You are the one who keeps interpreting that I am talking about an entire race. The 98% percent comes from valid statistics - not a news story. I probably should have however said "international terrorists" to be more proper.
And you really got off track when you started talking about Cat Stevens' heritage. What's up with that? Where in my post did I say he was Arabic? I just happened to include him in the group of "people with known terrorist connections."
Again you read into my post that I had access to intelligence reports when all I did was ask if you did. Then I dropped a few inuendos and you ran with it -like a good little liberal should. One can have facts about certain issues without resorting to the media and without being in the intelligence field. And "disjustice" isn't a word I think what you meant to say was "injustice".
Yeah it is pretty bad that it took us 11 years to put him on "the list". But you must remember that we didn't really start such indept screening until after 9/11. Didn't take any big steps to keep people with terrorist connections out of the country, they were all only on what was called a "watch list" at the time. We ramped up after 2001, and Cat just got caught.
I don't understand how you can say that it is ok to let people into our country that have supported the very same groups that killed-- no murdered-- my and so many other's loved ones. Cat himself might not be a threat but that is not the point. Don't you get it? We have to start somewhere making sure that this country does not harbor anyone who either directly or indirectly (thru funding) permits the continued killing of innocent people.
Also, it makes a big difference if someone was killed during battle than if they were killed while sitting at their desk in downtown New York. You cannot compare WW2, Vietnam or any other war for that matter to the terrorist attack on America.
You say "Americans in Iraq we call freedom......" well here is something for you to think about.. # of Iraqi's "murdered" by Americans in Iraq "0". Number of Americans murdered by Arab terrorist in America 3,020. I rest my case.
Maybe that is why you keep misunderstanding when you read my words "Arab terrorist" perhaps you just see the word Arab or Arabic. I never at any time said all Arabs are terrorists or 98% of Arabs are terrorist... I said 98% of Terrorist are of Arabic decent" you can't flip that around as you did and say it means the same thing.
I am shocked that you can possibly believe that it is America's fault that American contractors are being beheaded and that soldiers are being burned alive. My dear God, who poisoned your brain? We went to Iraq to save the people from a mad man. Do you have any idea how many of his own people that Sadam murdered... gassed.... buried alive? Do you know that he actually shot and killed his own son-in-law for disobeying him? We went to Iraq to help free the world from terrorist and mad men. Get them before they get us... sounds crude, but that's the way it has to be.
I am not circling around "your" point that terrorists are not based in Iraq. Your "point" is wrong. There are indeed terrorist groups based in Iraq. 1. Ansar al-Islam a most deadly terrorist network is based in Northern Iraq, 2. Abu Nidal organization (ANO) a.k.a. Fatah Revolutionary Council, Arab Revolutionary Brigades, Black September, and Revolutionary Organization of Socialist Muslims,based in Iraq, 3. the Palestine Liberation Front (PLF)was based in Tunisia until Achille Lauro attack, it is now based in Iraq and receives support mainly from Iraq. 4. Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MEK or MKO) a.k.a. The National Liberation Army of Iran (NLA, the militant wing of the MEK), the People's Mujahidin of Iran (PMOI), National Council of Resistance (NCR), Muslim Iranian Student's Society ( which is just a front organization used to garner financial support)also based in Iraq, and receives support from Iraq.
I could go on, but I think I have made my point, and crushed yours.
Also, you talk so much about hate in America, but there is no greater hate than what most Muslim nations and Arab nations have for America. Before you go off on a tangent about me targeting ALL of the muslims and arabs.. let me give you a quote from a well known Arab "it is virtually impossible for me, as indeed it is for all Arabs or Muslims not to hate America so much. Only infra-humans and quasi-beasts wouldn't hate their evil tormentors and grave-diggers and America IS the Arab's and Muslim's ultimate tormentor and grave-digger as well as the oppressor and killer of millions around the world. Please America, don't make me an Osama bin Laden".
Notice the term "all" muslims, all arabs, those are not my words. But yes, there it is, it is all America's fault and obviously you think so too. They hate us because of our democracy and freedom, our values and way of life and what they perceive as our great influence on the economy and lives of Middle Eastern countries. Do you hate America for those reasons too? You must or otherwise you would never have made the comment that the "poisoned tree was planted by us".
Those are nice statistics you quote about "only" two terrorist attacks in America... but that is two too many. If any of us had a inkling of how many threats and attacks are stopped before they even happen we would probably bury our heads under our pillows and never come out!
Oh yes, I forgot one, Iraq's former embassy in Islamabad, was allegedly used as a liaison between Al Qaeda operatives and representatives of the former Iraqi government.
So, you see our troops are dying to preserve freedom, and fight terrorism, not just for America but for Iraq and all of the world. Your focus is too narrow.
I do agree with you that if America turns it's back on people it is a sad, sad day. But, when the lives of my children and grand children are at stake then it is something that has to be done. Maybe we can fight this war and win. But we can no longer afford to have an open arms policy at our borders, the cost is far too great.
I have enjoyed this debate with you. And it has been just that a debate. You made some valid points, and are obviously an intelligent, kind and caring person. A little to far to the left for me, but I wish you well.
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