Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Charming: Round 2

A comment to the last post:

Anonymous said...

not try at all because you can't get it right the first time? how uninspired is that?! everyone deserves a chance and some things, they deserve to try until they are content with the outcome. it's because no one's perfect that we should encourage a third. nothing comes easy. it probably didn't take you only two times to learn to walk or talk in a complete coherent sentence or learn to ride a bike, or swim. There's hardly anything that a person can complish completely right in the first two tries. we learn and get better at things. my mom would always tell me a saying that they have in vietnamese and basically, it says that failure is the mother of success. plus, what is success without failure every now and again

My answer:

After having read this comment, and re-reading my post, I would have to agree with the comment. My post didn't make sense, and it was incorrect. Let me rephrase what I should have said:

To give someone a second chance, or even a third, is both acceptable, and honorable. But I would say "Keep trying!!" or "You'll get it!!"

Saying "Third time's the charm" to me is like saying the first two tries mean nothing, but it's the third try that's important. If you get it on the second try, it's ok, but the CHARM is the third try!! Be damned if it takes you 4, cause then what do you say?

"Third time's the charm, but the 4th try is pretty good, too!!"

No, you shot yourself in the foot when you say one particular try should be the best of the bunch.

Actually, I kind of like "Failure is the mother of success." Thanks anonymous's mom for that one!!

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