Monday, February 28, 2005

Deceived: The Final Chapter

In case any of you out there were curious as to how the Book deception ended up, here's the rest of the story.

Joker Man finally e-mailed me back...actually, his wife did...and said to send the book back and she would return the money. She also said it was their mistake. That's all I wanted people!! Admission of guilt.

I declined her offer for a refund (I never asked for one, and it would cost more to return the book, because of shipping charges), and told her I wasn't trying to be rude or crappy. I just wanted her to learn something.

The moral:

It's better to be honest and not sell something, than it is to be deceitful and have to deal with me.

Besides, if it didn't say First Edition, I would have asked, they would have said, "I don't know", and I could have taught them about Book Clubs and First Editions, thus teaching them something. I hoped they learned their lesson.

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