Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Run, Fat Boy, Run!!

It was hot Sunday...or maybe I'm just lazy, yeah, that's probably more the truth. Well, whatever the reason was, I decided to put off mowing the grass until Monday. It seemed like a good idea at the time...

Monday at work, the sky was bright, the sun was hot, and there was no indication that a storm lurked. I got home around 5:20, threw some shorts on and headed to the basement for my mowing shoes. While I was there, I made what I now realize, was my fatal mistake.


What does laundry have to do with mowing grass? Keep reading, and it will become clear.

As I was bouncing up the stairs, mowing shoes and a basket of towels in tow, Becky arrived home from work.

"What are you doing?" she asked, as it was odd I was actually doing laundry, and that I was thinking about mowing with the impending storm (which at this point, I still was unaware of.)

"Just thought I would grab these towels, and then go mow the grass like I promised I would."

She said the storm was racing our way. It relentlessly doused her on her trip home, and she suspected it would be hitting us very shortly.

I should have scrapped the plan, but at this point, I was pysched for mowing (oh, yeah...I have to get pysched up to mow...I'm lazy, remember?) I got the mower out and began.

The sky still looked clear. In the back of my head, I was laughing at the craziness of the thought of rain. I finished the back yard, and pulled the mower to the front, when I heard the crash of thunder in the distance.

I looked to the sky, and saw the black clouds rolling, slowly in my direction...I panicked. I started to jog the mower around the front yard.

"Come on, Tony, you can beat this..."

As the clouds got closer, my pace quickened. I made my way down the last row of grass, killed the beast, and made my way for the back. I was going to win. As I jogged, I noticed a tuft of grass I had missed. In a split second, my options were clear:

1. Forget the grass, no one will notice.
2. Fire up the beast and swipe that missed area.

I looked at the small section, and even though that grass was like a soldier, begging for me to save myself, I couldn't. I pulled the chord to the mower, and made the cut. Just as I had killed the beast, the first drops of rain started to fall, large and slow at first...

I made my way quickly across the front yard. With a mighty pull, I picked the beast up the stairs to the side porch and into the back yard. The sky opened up. The rain beat down fast and furiously down on me. I gave thought to ditching the mower, but it was pointless...I was going to get wet, I may as well go all the way.

I slammed the beast into the shed, and pumped my legs towards the house.

"Run, fat boy, run!!"

The house seemed so far away. I ran hard. I ran fast. (Ok, I don't run fast, who am I Carl Lewis?) I opened the door to the house and bounded into the towel draped arms of Becky, who had a compassionate look on her face...even if she was thinking "I told you so." I thanked her...not for being right about the rain, but for the towel. Come to think of it, if I hadn't brought those towels up from the laundry, I would have been greeted with only arms, because:

1. I wouldn't have needed a towel, because I would have beat the rain.


2. The towels would have still been in the dryer!

I ended up just slightly wet from the rain, but more so from the sweat. It took me a minute to catch my breath (the house is, like, 40 feet from the shed, people!!!) but then I muttered to Becky...

"Damn that laundry!!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Everything happens for a reason. You were supposed to get the towels, otherwise you would never have seen Becky there to greet you with open arms. See, she would not have wanted to get wet with rain or sweat. It was a good thing!!
