Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Dolls to Dollars

I decided it was time. I held on as long as I could, but it was finally time to sell my dolls.

My Britney Spears dolls...my Wizard of Oz Barbies...my Christina Aguilera...my Charlie's Angels which looked like Drew Barrymore, Cameron Diaz and Lucy Liu...

I'll give you a second to laugh.

Ok, time's up.

So, I drug them out of hibernation, dusted them off, and scanned them for sale on E-Bay. Are you still laughing? Well laugh at this, I made $350 sucka!! All those years of Becky telling me to get rid of them, or "open them up and let the nieces play with them..." Well, who's laughing now?

When the bidding ended, I noticed something that made me wince. Several of the auction bidders where from foreign countries. A few from Australia, a few Canadas, Netherlands, California...

Well, in order to ship abroad, you have to delicately break it to these people that shipping is gonna cost them an arm...and insurance is gonna cost at least a few toes. Most take it well, because they know how the game is played. They buy from half way across the globe, they pay the price. Others, are not so friendly.

One of the Britney dolls was going to the Netherlands. I check the postage, $15.50. With insurance, $19 something...so I tell the fella shipping = $20. He e-mails this response:

I don't want shipping by air, because there's a cheaper way. Why don't you use that one? I can't understand that. Besides I have a box here, only 11 dollars for shipping, so I don't believe your answer.

I don't believe your answer? Yo, buddy, I am looking at the flippin' scale, and it says $20. So, before I had a chance to calm down, I wrote him back and told him he had 3 options:

1. Send me $20, and he'll get the package in one piece, insured.
2. Send me less than $20, and get the doll in a paper envelope, quite possibly in more than one piece, and tough titties on the insurance.
3. Send me nothing, and get a negative feedback telling the world that you are a jack ass for not asking me BEFORE the auction was over how much shipping was.

He e-mailed me back and said $20 was fine. The moral of this story, kids, is stick to your guns, and don't take no crap from an old man in the Netherlands who is buying a Britney Spears doll!!


Gillespie said...

Amen to that , sister!! I mean, honestly, anyone who isn't a kid who has a Britney doll...hey, wait a minute...it wasn't like that, I swear!!

Gillespie said...

HA HA!! Fake plastic boobs...that was hilarious!!