Monday, October 18, 2004

Forward This To 10 People!!

What's the deal with these e-mails that people send, claiming that "if you send this to 10 people, something will pop up on your screen," or "If you don't forward this to 20 people, something bad will happen." That's crap, on both accounts.

Why would a guilt trip make me more apt to forward a funny joke, or inspirational message? Wait, I got this one...IT DOESN'T!! If anything it makes me more apt to delete said e-mail. Even if it means that I "don't care about the sender if I don't send it back." (Sorry to all who send me these e-mails and I don't return them...I do care!!)

If really makes me wonder why that guilt trip would be on the end of e-mails. Here are my theories:

1. The originator of the e-mails makes money upon the forwarding of their e-mails. The more times it's forwarded, the more scratch they put in their pockets.

2. The originator of the e-mail has extremely low self-esteem, and really wants to be validated by having someone return the story about "the kid who was going to kill himself, but decided not to because the other kid stopped and helped him one day after the bullies knocked the books from his hands..."

3. The originator was a mother...or a wife. (Where guilt trips breed.)

4. It just seemed like a fun thing to do.

Well, I know some of the people who read this blog, so I'm going to say definately not #3, because wifes and mothers don't lay guilt trips...

I don't know which is right, if any. Maybe it's part of the story...I don't know. All I do know is I'm not gonna play the game. Send me the e-mails, and I will read them...but don't expect me to forward them along to 10 people.

If you liked this post, forward it along to 10 people and you will receive a crisp $100 bill!! ($100 will be sent to you via is a federal offense to copy, produce, or reproduce the currancy of the United States of America.)


Jammie J. said...

What I love are the ones telling me that there's a boogey man waiting in the parking lot for me. Or the one about growing kittens in a jar. Come on, people, go to and check for reality before blindly forwarding it to everyone on your list.

Gillespie said...

I just asked a mother (my mother-in-law to be exact) and she said "Guilt Trips? That's what mother's do best!! Especially when their kids get older!!"

Sexist Bastard? You so crazy!! I'm hoping your comment was a joke, as my words were meant in a joking fashion. I know guilt trips come from more than one source, but don't deny mother's and wives are at least partially culprits!!