Wouldn't you know it? I write about a bad radio experience with the Hoobastank song "The Reason", and karma bites me. I knew better than to bad mouth the song...
I went out after the Radio Hell post, got in the mail van, and started to cruise down the road. On comes a commercial. Well, let's flip through the presets. 1, commercial...2, commercial... 3, commercial...4, commercial...but here's where the Karma came in...5 Hoobastank, 6 HOOBASTANK!! HOLY CRAP!! The Hoob on 2 stations, commercials on 3?!!?
I had to turn the radio off again, this time I just had to laugh and accept that God is a Hoobastank fan, and apologize to the Hoob for the bad things I said about them.
You know, why is it that the songs you really love get played once or twice a week, but those Hoobs of the world get 2 stations at once?
Back in the day, when I was living in the Burg and travelling to Columbus for work, everyday, without fail, the same thing would happen. I would turn on the radio, flip around to find a good song, and when that song was over, without fail, the next song would be John Cougar Mellencamp.
I've never been a big Mellencamp fan, mainly because living in Indiana, you hear his songs ALL the time. He has some great tunes, but it's overkill, you know?
So, I would be flipping through, "Ah, 'Wind Cries Mary', Hendrix, sweet," (yes, I do talk to myself in the car, and I am particuarly fond of the word sweet.) Anyway, on comes Hendrix, I enjoy the song, jam to the solo...then "Pink Houses". Or "Sweet, Strawberry Fields, Beatles, bay-bee!!" and then "Jack and frickin Diane."
I'm not talking that happened once or twice, I'm talking everytime I got into the car, for four or five YEARS STRAIGHT!! Ok, maybe that's a slight exaggeration, but it is pretty close to the truth. 75% of the time, and that's no joke!!
Needless to say, Mellencamp...not my favorite. But, I'm not going to bad mouth him, cause then BAM!! he would be on the radio every second song...right after The Hoob, probably.
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